Hosting a party at home comes with a lot of benefits. It’s cheaper, convenient, and you have no restrictions with your decorating! However, one of the biggest concerns people have is upsetting their neighbours. Whether it be through loud music, noisy guests, or even just the amount of people, there are a lot of factors that can lead to unhappy residents. That’s exactly why we’ve put together this guide to give you tips on how to throw a wild party without upsetting the neighbours! Keep reading for more.

Invite them to the party!
The best way to keep your neighbours happy is to invite them to the party. This is of course dependent on who your neighbours are and what your relationship with them is like. However, it’s an easy way to make sure there won’t be any complaints!
Keep them in the loop
Another simple way to keep your neighbours happy is to give them fair warning. A week or so before your party, let them know the start time, how many guests you expect, and how long you think it will go for. This way they can be prepared for the noise and they will be less likely to put in a complaint. They might even decide to go away for the weekend to avoid it altogether. Either way, they will appreciate the heads-up.
While you’re at it, it’s also a good idea to give your neighbours a contact number in case there are any issues on the night. Knowing they have a direct line of communication with you help to ease their worries. They will then be more likely to call you first rather than go straight to the police. If they do contact you with issues, make definite and permanent changes to fix the problem. Remember that your neighbours don’t have to put up with the disruption just because you told them you were having a party!
Let them know what time you’ll be turning the music down – and stick to it!
The number one reason why your neighbours will complain about your party is the music. It’s one thing to have loud music playing earlier in the night, but once it gets late your neighbours will likely get fed up. One way to avoid complaints is to let your neighbours know what time you plan on turning the music down (or off) – and stick to this time! They will be more likely to put up with the noise if they know it’s going to stop at midnight. On the other hand, if you don’t give them a time they might think your music is going to go on all night. This could lead them to putting in complaint or even calling the police early on.
If you don’t want to turn your music down too much, a tip to contain the noise is to keep the speakers inside. If your music is outside in the backyard, you’re going to end up with more than just one upset neighbour. Another tip is to try and start your party earlier. Your neighbours will be more forgiving of music when it’s not blasting at 2am!

Limit your guest list
Though it may be tempting to invite everyone you know to your party, keep in mind that more people = more noise. Try and keep your guest list small to minimise the amount of noise and disruption you will cause to your neighbours. If you want to throw a huge party with hundreds of guests, hire a venue!
Have a plan for parking
If you’re expecting your guests to drive to your party, make sure you have a plan in place for parking. The last thing you need is for your guests to be blocking your neighbours’ driveways or just taking up a whole lot of space. A good way to avoid this is to encourage your guests to carpool, get an Uber or Taxi, or even public transport if it’s an option.reds of guests, hire a venue!

Control your guests
You are responsible for every guest at your party, even if you don’t know them. This means that if any of your guests are getting rowdy or out of control, it’s on you to keep them in check! When there is alcohol involved, it’s not uncommon for partygoers to become loud and disruptive. For the sake of your neighbours, do your best to keep this behaviour to a minimum and don’t hesitate to ask guests to leave. Although it might be a bit awkward, remember that you are the one that will have to deal with the consequences of unhappy neighbours, not your guests. You also always have the option of calling the police for assistance if things get out of hand.
At the end of the day, keeping your neighbours happy is all about being considerate and having respect. If you follow these steps, you are much less likely to have issues on the night. You might even get away with throwing more wild parties at home in the future!
Want to have your party at a venue instead? Check out our list of venue spotlights for some inspiration.
Get in contact with our expert planners to start planning your next party! We can take the stress off party planning and do it all for you.